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Seafood Hokkien Mee (海鲜福建面)(4pax)

Apologise for the poor presentation. Due to my wrist and thumb pain, unable to hold chopsticks well to arrange.

Ingredient 1. Flat yellow noodles - 500g 2. Squid - 200g (clean and cut into rings) 3. Prawns - 200g 4. Mussels - 1 bag 5. Choy sum (菜心) - 1 small bag (wash and cut into bite size) 6. Garlic - 3 cloves (minced) 7. Chicken stock - 300ml 8. Water - 200ml 9. Dark soya sauce - 3 tbsp 10. Oyster sauce - 1.5 tbsp 11. Sugar - 0.5 tbsp 12. Corn flour - 2 tsp

The Dish 1. Heat wok, add 3 tbsp of oil and saute minced garlic till fragrance.

2. Add in the chicken stock, dark soya sauce, sugar and oyster sauce till boiling hot.

3. Upon boiling, add in the noodles and washed mussels and continue to bring it till boil.

4. Spread the washed choy sun over the dish n cover the wok and allow the vegetable to be cooked.

5. Add in the cut squid and prawns into the dish and allow it to boil for another 2mins.

6. Taste the dish and add the necessary flavouring. Salt, sugar, oyster sauce, etc.

7. Mixed the 2tsp of corn flour with 2 tbsp of water, mixed it evenly and add it to the dish. Remember to stir it well until the gravy turns slightly gluey.

8. Serve with some preserved green chilli.

Note, you may add sliced fish and any other seafood of your own preference.

Happy cooking and Bon Appetit!

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