Air fried Bacon Asparagus Roll
Was thinking of doing something to go with fried rice and decided to do this.
Ingredient 1. Back Bacon - 6 slices 2. Thai fine asparagus - 1 pack (wash and cut each stalk into half the length) 3. Toothpick for securing
Preparation 1. Grab a handful of halved asparagus. Mix with some both halves together.
2. Take a piece of back bacon and wrap it round. You can half the back bacon into 2 pieces and wrap the asparagus from bottom to top. Try to avoid wrapping too thick onto one section of the asparagus as the bacon will take too long a time to cook while the asparagus might just dry up.
3. Secure the bacon with 1 or 2 toothpick.
The Dish 1. Preheat the air fryer at 180degree for 5min.
2. Set the temperature to 160 degree and Place the rolls into the tray. AF the rolls for 6 mins.
3. Check the condition of the rolls after 7mins. If not up to your desire condition, you may AF for another 1 or 2 min. (Note, AF too long will cause the asparagus to dry up)
4. Once done, you may serve your dish with noodles, fried rice, beer or just eat it as snack. But note that the bacon maybe salty.
Mistake made 1. I should have cut the bacon into 2 slices so that it will not be wrapping thickly over the asparagus.
2. Cooked a bit too long causing the asparagus to dry up slightly. (The above steps have been modified to a shorter timing to prevent overcooking of asparagus.)
Hopes this trial report helps
Happy cooking and Bon Appetit!